Therapeutic foam mattress Pre-Vent II Supreme
The Pre-Vent II Supreme™ therapeutic pressure redistributing foam mattress. The exclusive Sphere™, Reflect™ SCT™ and Multi-Flex™ designs react to body weight displacement across the entire surface. This prevents and relieves pressure sores by keeping the body in a constant state of suspension.
The unique shapes together with exclusive Med-Flex™ PPF™ foams, react instinctively to a compression set, allowing for a fully automatic, totally zoned surface. Other manufacturers’ surfaces are zone specific and must always take into consideration a patients weight, size (build) and shape. The exclusive designs act independently as their own self-adjusting, pressure-redistribution zone.
- Tri-Laminate Design
- Perfectly matched Med-Flex™ PPF™ foams throughout all layers
- Fully automatic, totally zoned mattress surface
- Pressure-redistribution Reflect™ SCT™ design top layer
- Exclusive Middle layer pressure-redistribution Multi-Flex™ PPF™ design
- Exclusive Heel Wrap™ PPF™ foam with Sphere™ design in top layer for maximum prevention of heel ulcers
- High density Med-Flex™ PPF™ foam bottom layer
- Vyvex II™ Low shear nylon, fluid proof top cover
- Barrier Lok™ infection control system
- All Med-Flex™ PPF™ foams and cover materials are anti-microbial and fire retardant
- 7 year non-prorated warranty
Vyvex-lI™ is a Butyl backed Nylon PVC-backed top cover with a low moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR). Vyvex-lI™ is fluid proof and offer low-shear, low-friction protection and anti-microbial, fire retardant, stain resistant and washable.
Med-Flex™ PPF™ (Pressurized Polymer Foaming) Manufacturing Process, thereby enhancing the product’s life and extending the uncompromising pressure-redistributing qualities of our foam mattress systems.
Heel Wrap™ PPF™ Foam
Exclusive Heel Wrap™ PPF™ foam provides a cradle of comfort and support in the sensitive heel area with a softer foam that is more durable than conventional fiber/foam heel pillows.
Barrier Lok™ Infection Control System
The Barrier Lok™ ensures that infection control standards are maintained, thereby providing investment protection on all Pre-Vent II Series® mattress systems.
Dual-Protection Slip Layer
The silk film slip layer eliminates friction between the inner foam core and the top cover. It offers added protection against the leaching of fluids to the inner foam core.
Anti-Microbial Protection All PPF™
Core Foam & Cover are anti-microbial and effectively protect against bacterial growth and a wide spectrum of micro-organisms, including (MRSA), mold, mildew, staining and odors caused by fungal organisms.